Tackle It Tuesday : Clean Life Challenge Week 9

Wow, week 9. The last time I posted, it may have been week 6. I bet you’re wondering what happened to 7 and 8, eh? I know there were really good reasons that they didn’t get posted but blast if I can remember now what they were! I do hope you’ll forgive me though!

This might be a good time to mention that if the challenges don’t go live here, they are going live over at the Facebook group. It is a closed group so nobody outside of the group can see your before/after photos. If you’d like to join, just drop me a line and I’ll get you added.

Now, on with the show….Since I didn’t post my before and after photos for weeks 6, 7 and 8, I’m going to share them with you now. I don’t want any of you thinking that I’m not right in there with you as we do these. Ready? Let’s go!

This is my bedside table after I got it cleared off, but clearly before I dusted it. Eww! What I love most about this is the fact that I now have space to put my new table lamp..as soon as I remember where I put it! I do need to take some time and get those stickers off of there. I have no idea how they got there, but they need to go!  (Week 6)

Week 7 – Before : The bookshelf of doom..Ok, it wasn’t that bad but it was pretty ick. The challenge for the week was to tackle just one shelf in the living room. This was my choice. There were books falling off the shelf and about an inch of dust.

Week 7 – After: Far less dust and far less books. I actually pulled a dozen books off of this shelf and posted them to PaperBack Swap. I realized that as much as I love John Grisham, I rarely, if ever go back and read his books again so I kept only a few that really appealed to me and let the others go. Actually, they’re still here so if you’re a fan, find me over on the site and request them!

Week 8 – Before: Last week, our goal was to tackle just one side of the kitchen counter. In this case, we started with the left side. This folks, was my left counter before I started. Food that needed to be put away mixed with dirty dishes waiting to be washed and all sorts of things! You see, I haven’t had a functioning kitchen sink since before Thanksgiving. We did have a plumber come out but he didn’t fix the problem and we haven’t really had the money to try again since. What does this lead to? Using up all of the dishes in the house and then being completely overwhelmed with what to do about it. I’ll tell you my solution below because I can’t wait to show you the after picture!

Look! Clean counter! My favorite part? The labeled containers. This is something I’ve wanted to do for a while but never had the proper tools. Justin got me a new labeler for Christmas and I had the most fun labeling all of those containers. I still have a couple of empty containers that will get filled soon but for now, seeing the ones that are done puts a big smile on my face! Where did all the dirty dishes go, I’m sure you’re asking yourself…Well, they went to my bathroom. That’s right..this girl has been kneeling over her bathtub doing dishes. It’s a slow process because I only have a small shelf in there that I’m able to use for drying, but bit by bit, I am catching up on all of those dishes. I refuse to let a goofed up drain/vent/whatever it is get in the way of me having an area that I can prepare food for my family. After all, there are those who don’t even have running water, how can I complain about a few minutes kneeling on the floor doing dishes?

There we go. I think that has us all caught up until this week. I don’t actually have a before picture because this is a task, that for me, is a relatively small one. This week, I challenge you to go into your bathrooms. Find wherever you store medications and check those expiration dates. If it’s expired, let it go! That’s it. Pretty simple, huh?

See you next week for a new challenge!

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