February 19, 2025

Welcome Back

Hey, guys! You may have noticed that the site is totally different. Last month, blogger removed my entire site. You can imagine the tears and everything that came with that. Luckily for me, a friend stepped up and said he’d host a new site. Well, this is that site. It’s not totally new. If you look through the menu at the top, you’ll see all of the old posts are still there! It took me quite a while to get them all categorized and in the right place.

On another site related note, I’m not sure how much I love this layout. I miss having the blog posts on the front page, but I’d love to know what you think. Will you go the extra click to read this post and other new ones? If so, we’ll stick with this and not worry about it. If you miss the other way, I’ll do some searching and find a new theme. Nothing is so permanent that it can’t be changed. Losing the site reminded me of that.

In totally unrelated news, I wanted to let you all know that the trip to New Orleans for Writer MBA is on! I have my train ticket covered and a dear friend has offered to let me share a room with them and their wife for the time I’m in town. That means I just need to cover food and things that I need for the trip. Unfortunately, that’s still a lot of money, but not impossible. I’m planning on packing food for the trip down there to save some money. Heck, if I have to pack bread, peanut butter, and jam to eat in the hotel room, I will. I hope I don’t. I think missing out on the networking would be a serious bummer.

So, if you want to help and honestly, I hope that you do, head over to Amazon and check out the wish list there. It’s set up to ship directly to me so it should be nice and easy. Also, donations can be made via PayPal (Katrina@KatScratchPress.com) and Throne (https://throne.com/katieroets).

Now, I’m off to work on a menu list for next week…Which reminds me, would anyone like to see Menu Plan Monday make a return?