Review Requests

Do you ever think that you’ve done something and then months later you discover that you hadn’t? It turns out that I created this page but I never put anything on it! That’s not confusing for anyone who clicks on it, is it? Sheesh. It just goes to show that even the “pros” goof sometimes!

If you have a book that you would like to have reviewed, I would have happy to do so! I love to read and do so every opportunity that I get. I read just about every genre except for really gory horror. My imagination is far too vivid and I end up having trouble sleeping after I read it!

My information:
Genres – Any, outside of gory horror
File Type – Mobi or Physical copies are preferred, but I can also work with PDF.
Wait Time –  This varies due to my schedule and/or what is currently waiting.
Reviews Posted To – This site, and Goodreads.

Please be aware that reviews will be posted on the date that I write the review. However, they will not go live on this site until a Book Review Friday slot opens up. If you need a review to go live on a launch date, please put that in the email.

If you’re interested, please copy this form into an email :
Subject : Book Review

Name/Author’s Name:
Title of Book:
Date of Release:
Necessary Posting Date, if any:

If you have a product that you would like reviewed, please get in touch with me! I love trying out products and also have a couple of kids who never say no to helping me out! All reviews will be posted here, as well as to Amazon.

Please submit this form:

Subject : Product Review



Contact Person:


Necessary Posting Date, if any:

Required Information For Post, if any:

Thank you! I can’t wait to work with you!