Review & Giveaway: Kalso Earth Shoes!

I have a secret. I’m not sure I should tell anyone since I have this reputation of being all Little Miss DIY, not girly girl…Oh, who am I kidding? Nobody believes that anymore. They used to. I used to have guys tell me that I was the least girly girl they knew. Now, I still love DIY but I’m also into nail polish and *gasp* shoes. I know..I know…how cliche, right?

But, have you tried out a pair of Kalso Earth Shoes? I have and man, they are awesome! Truth be told, I practically begged to be allowed to review a pair for them. Luckily, the lovely lady who handles it was probably amused by my eagerness and hooked me up with the pair of shoes you see to your left there. Those are The Link Too and yes, they really are that cute in person too! The first day I wore them out, I received compliments.

If you know me, you know I have a very hard time wearing shoes all day long. In fact, when I walk in the door at night, the first thing to happen is I kick my shoes off. Not these! I found myself wearing them all day long and I was home for a good 30 minutes before I realized I hadn’t taken them off. They’re just plain comfy as well as cute! I confess that for the first bit of time I kept finding myself stepping out of them when I walked. That’s all on me though. I’m just not used to wearing this type of shoe.

So, what makes these so awesome other than cute and comfy? It’s all about “Negative Heel Technology.” What is this craziness you speak of? I heard you say it…It means that your heel is actually slightly lower in the shoe than your toes. Think about walking in sand. It’s that same effect. Pretty cool, huh? If you look over to your left, there’s a pretty snazzy graphic that shoes what this does for your body. I have to tell you that it was wearing a pair of shoes like this back in the spring that totally saved my knee when I sprained it.

Now, since I know you want to see these shoes “in person”, I have 2 things for you. The first thing…a picture of me wearing said cute shoes:

See? Super cute and I have to say they look good against the Fall leaves. I wish we had more colorful ones in our yard but sadly, we just didn’t this year. It’s probably because we only have one walnut tree in the front yard.

Right. You don’t care about the leaves in my yard. You want to know how you can see these shoes for yourself. After all, I did say there were two ways..Ok, nobody squeal too loud but Kalso Earth Shoes is letting me give one of you lucky readers a pair of shoes! Now, I can’t promise that they’ll be the same ones I received. The pair that they send you will totally be based upon your size and their stock. Want to know how to win? Here are the rules:

The giveaway will run from today (10/19) until October 31st at 11:59pm. Any entries received after that point will not be counted. On November 1st, I will draw a winner and that winner will be contacted via email. If I can’t find the winner’s email address, I will draw a new winner. The winner has 72 hours to email me back with their shipping information. If I don’t hear back, a new winner will be chosen. Contest open to residents of the USA. Got all that? Ok, now on to how to enter:

Please leave a separate comment for each entry:
1. Publicly follow me on either Networked Blogs and/or Google Friend Connect. (1 entry – Maximum 2 entries.)
2. Post this giveaway to Facebook. (1 entry – Maximum 1 entry per day.)
3. Head on over to the Kalso Earth Shoe Facebook Page and leave a comment there telling them which of their shoes is your favorite. (1 entry.)
4. Follow me on Twitter (1 entry)
5. Follow Kalso Earth Shoes on Twitter (1 entry)
6. Tweet out this message (up to 5x a day – Maximum 5 entries per day.):

“I just entered to win a pair of @KalsoEarthShoes from @craftsbykatie ! Enter today for your chance to win:”

Spread the word!


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