Review & Giveaway : Chex Mix Muddy Buddies

Look what we got! Yep, that’s a Chex Mix Muddy Buddy package! I’ve never seen the boys so excited about a product review in my life. When I opened the box and they saw what was inside, they insisted I open the bag then and there. Luckily for them, I’m a nice mom so I opened the bag and poured it into the lidded container. Then, I handed over the container and sat back. The boys loved it! I have to say that when I snagged the container back, I thought it was pretty tasty myself. What I loved most was that it was one of those snacks that I could have a small handful and it totally satisfied my sweet tooth as well as that desire to have something crunchy. I’ll confess that the kids loved it more than me, but I’m getting old, you know. I just don’t love sweet as much as I did when I was their ages.

Want to know the best part of this? Chex Mix has provided me with a 2nd gift pack to send out to one of you! It will look just like what’s in the picture and if you’re like me, you’re going to love the air tight storage container. I’m in love with it! Want to know how to enter? Well, let me tell you!

Required Entry:
— Leave a comment telling me your favorite type of Chex Mix and what you’re most excited about in this giveaway.(1 entry)

Bonus Entries:
— Tweet about this giveaway. Make sure that you include @craftsbykatie in the message. Then come back here and link to your tweet. (Maximum 5 entries)
— Blog about this giveaway. Come back here and link to your post. (3 entries)
— Follow Life With Katie using Google Friend Connect or Networked Blogs (must be a public follower). (1 entry)

Giveaway will end June 26th at 11:59pm EST. All entries after that time will not be accepted. Maximum 10 entries per person.

I received the gift pack shown from Chex Mix via MyBlogSpark for the purpose of this review & giveaway. All comments, thoughts and views are 100% mine because we all know I hate to be told what to say. 😉 


24 thoughts on “Review & Giveaway : Chex Mix Muddy Buddies

  1. i love the turtle chex mix and i love storage containers- so i'm excited about that one too
    tcogbill at live dot com

  2. I love the muddy buddy flavor that little touch of crunch with the chocolate. mmmmmm I am excited about the mix but particularly the tin. I love to have tin's to keep things in the kitchen in.

  3. I actually LOVE the turtle chex mix and my fave part is the airtight storage container! I'm a sucker for anything with logos on it lol

    Btw, I used to make the muddy buddies recipe(we called it puppy chow haha) at the holidays! SO good! Can't wait to try this flavor..Hope I win!

    Thank you for the chance to win!


  4. My favorite chex mix is something we call crack mix with corn syrup, almonds, coconut, and golden grahams with the corn and rice chex.
    We make it every Christmas.


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