(almost) Wordless Wednesday

Oh my gosh, I am tired today! I don’t know if it’s because I had at least one weird, disturbing dream last night that broke up my sleep or if it’s because I was so dang active yesterday! For those who don’t know, I’m on a weight loss journey (blogged at Welcoming Weight Loss) and I worked out for the first time yesterday.  All I know is that man, I am tired today! I have a dozen things open that I should be working on but as soon as I get them open, I forget what I’m doing with them! Sheesh!

I did, however, remember to get my last Shapes picture taken for the Sunday Shutterbugs challenge. Believe it or not, I actually opened up the top of my bedroom window yesterday and snapped this picture. If I can remember long enough, I’m going to do the same thing today to get an after the “blizzard” shot. Blizzard is in quotes because we got a lame 14″ of snow, not the 2 feet they claimed we were going to get. Granted, it blew everywhere (including in my back door) but they were all dramatic about the amounts and I totally feel let down.

Oh, one last request before I hit post and try to remember the next thing on my list….I love comments. Oh my gosh, how I love comments but please tell me how you found the blog if you’re a new reader. I had a lovely lady leave me a comment on a past post and she said she was from abc (random letters inserted here) and I felt horrible because I can’t figure out where she found me or what group she’s from!

Thanks all!

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