Woo! It’s Tuesday and it started early for me. I had to go into Grand Rapids to meet up with Peter, Donna, Ben and Roger. Ben had a doctor’s appointment with Dr. Reinhart, the orthopedic surgeon. Peter brought him in and had me meet them there. Everyone else came along because they’re working on getting Donna’s last name changed. I’m not sure what was going on, but it felt like I was getting the cold shoulder from Peter/Donna. I hope it isn’t the sign that what has been fairly amicable is going to start getting troublesome.

So, now I’m back home and trying to figure out the best way to spend my time today. Sadly, I think it’s going to be trying to knock out a couple of hours of kgb work. This month has been crazy and I still have to put in 8 hours before Friday. Ick! I’m seriously considering quitting. It just don’t bring in enough money to make it worth it, plus they keep changing their policies. It’s something to really give thought to.

Let’s see…so what am I tackling today? Ok, here’s my list. I want to get the towels put away that I washed and folded. I want to try to do 2 hours of kgb. I also have a custom order for a flip album. I may do that today or I may wait until tomorrow. I need to get it into the mail on Friday when I’m in Hastings.

Oooooh…that reminds me! I haven’t told you all! I opened my Etsy shop! Up until now, I’d only used it to contact Etsy sellers, but recently I decided to actually make things and sell them! I would love it if I could sell enough each month to cover one of my household bills (one of the smaller ones…hehe). So, if you’re looking for an Etsy shop to support, please consider checking out mine. You can find it at Katie’s Craft Corner.

Now, I’m off to take care of some towels before getting down to kgb work.


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