Well, it’s Tuesday and the boys have gone back to their Dad’s place. I got news last night that they’ll be moving back into our old house by March 18th. It seems the sale of the house fell through and he’s decided not to re-list it. It sucks for me because I could have used the money from the sale to get the van fixed up, but it’s good for the boys. It will be good for them to be back in their house, with their own rooms and an actual backyard to play in. I’m only a little sad for Ben since one of his good friends just moved into their apartment complex, but there’s nothing to say that Matt can’t come over and hang out. I hope that Peter thinks of that and makes arrangements. I’ll be happy once the house is done because then the boys can start having friends over here from time to time.

So since the boys are now back at their Dad’s place, I’m ready to jump back into working on getting this house into shape. This week I’ll be working upstairs in the bedrooms and possibly the landing. My goal is to do my room, then the boys room and then if there’s any week left, to work on the landing. It’s going to be a lot of work but totally worth it.

Today’s goal is going to be one that won’t be completed today but is absolutely going to get a jump start. Clothes. Yes, clothes. I have too many of them. I have no earthly idea how this even happened but I probably have enough clothes that two of me could wear them. There’s no room in my closet, no room in my dresser and my under the bed bin for heavier sweatshirts is full too. That’d be just fine, except for the baskets that aren’t put away and the huge pile of laundry waiting for me in the laundry room. So, today my goal is to tackle the two baskets that are upstairs and either put it away or add it to the give away pile.

How about all of you? Do you have too many clothes and you need to purge them? I know that Nickle used to love the challenges here, so I’m going to post one for all of you. I challenge you to go into your closets, dressers or anywhere else you might store your clothes and take inventory. Do you have too many of anything? If so, I’m going to challenge you to be strong and either freecycle it or donate it to a local charity. Good luck all! I’ll let you know how I did!


7 thoughts on “Tackle It Tuesday

  1. Funny you should mention it but I am currently purging my clothing, who knew I had so many articles…..Oh wait Rob did because I took over his dresser as well 😛

  2. I am in the process of getting rid of some clothes too. I plan to take mine to Plato's Closet to re-sale and the kids' clothes to Kid to Kid which is yet another re-sale shop. They give me cash on hand and left overs go to Good Will. Good luck on your tackle and Happy Tackle it Tuesday!

  3. I am desperately in need of doing this for all SIX of us! It is beyond crazy. I have two 55 gallon bags of baby clothes (one of baby boy clothing, one of baby girl clothing) that I want to take into the thrift store, but haven't had the time and energy at the same time that they have buying hours. I have decided though, that whatever they decide not to buy, I will definitely be dropping off at our local homeless shelter.

    But that's only the stuff that is for infants less than 12 months. I still have a ton of weeding out to do in the other sizes that are currently not in use in our house. And a fair amount of weeding in current sizes as well.

    Part of our problem is that we actually have a lot of closet space, which makes it seem more acceptable, but really, no one needs as much clothing as each member of my family has.

    I will accept your challenge, but it will be a few days at least before I get much accomplished with it.

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