(almost) Wordless Wednesday – Take 2

I’m back! I had a nice driving into Lansing and back. I picked up the bookshelf and wow, do I have a Spring project ahead of me? This thing is a bookshelf, yes…but all the laminate on the top is gone and it’s also missing off the front of the shelves. I didn’t get a good enough look to see if it’s missing anywhere else. So, I’m going to do some research on the best way to repaint pressboard and turn it into something lovely. Who knows, maybe I’ll put down some old sheets and newspaper and not even wait until Spring. I’d really like to get it into place and loaded without knowing I’ll just have to unload it again. There’s a bunch of paint out in the garage so hopefully I could just re-use some of that or pick up a quart of paint at Walmart. It shouldn’t take much.

So, I said I was going to take my camera along and try to get a picture of something that says Art to me. Sadly, it didn’t occur to me until I was almost home that I wasn’t going to get many pictures while I was driving. The bonus, though, was that I stopped at one of my favorite restaurants to spoil myself with a bit of lunch to go. When I was getting back into the van, I spotted their sign and knew I just had to use this for my picture for today.

Swede's Restaurant


2 thoughts on “(almost) Wordless Wednesday – Take 2

  1. Wow, TWO photos for this week! Way to go, girl! Glad you posted a second one because I was getting ready to "chastise" you for putting up a 5-year-old photo! Silly woman….you have to get your camera out and use it! LOL


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