Hello, Hello, everyone! It’s Thursday and it’s all about doing something to spoil or really just to take care of yourself today. If you’re anything like me, you’re elbow deep in holiday preparations. Now, if you’re also like me, you’re loving it. For the first time in years, I feel like I’m on top of things. I still have a ton of gifts to make, but I’m plugging away at them so I feel like they’ll be done in time. My holiday newsletter is written and my cards are signed and addressed. I’m just waiting to see if I get the money to get my newsletter printed out. If not, well, I’ll probably post a version of it to my website and send out the cards without it.
Now, before any of you attack me and beat me up for being on the ball this year, I’m going to very nicely remind you that you could have been too, if you’re not. If you are then I’m so proud of you! So, today’s time for me challenge: If you are not ready for the holidays or they’re stressing you out, take an hour or so and figure out just what needs to be done. I find that if I have a list, it gives me a starting point and that relieves a lot of stress.
For me, I’m going to be crafting. Yep, crafting. These gifts won’t make themselves and it’s been literally years since I could just sit and craft and it’s soooo relaxing and wonderful for me. I’m working on another set of ornaments right now and then I have to make a train bank. If I can find a pattern, I’d also like to do bookmarks for the boys. We’ll see on that one.
Before I sign off today, I do want to do a couple of yay me’s. I think it’s important that we recognize the good things that we do and to be proud of yourself. Oooh..make that challenge 2 for today. I want you to blog about at least 2 things that you’ve done recently that’s made you proud of you. As for me, for the past 3 days I have drank 9 glasses of water a day. I’m slowly losing weight and that is huge for me! The other thing is that I got both of our new dvd racks built and put in place and the movies all re-organized.
Yes, my movies are organized. For the kids, all movies of a type are together..so like all the Thomas the Tank Engines, all the Disney, all the full length non Disneys. For me, They’re divided into categories (holiday, musicals, old movies, adult, chick flicks) and then alphabetized. Yes, I am ocd and I admit it. 😉
So, that’s my yay mes and my time for me for today. What are all of you up to? Make sure you comment or link back!
I organize and alphabetize all of our movies. I don;t keep the cases though. I put them into CD binders. Congtats on getting it all done.