Tackle It Tuesday – The Bathroom

Wow, I had a totally feeling sorry for myself day today. Does that ever happen to any of you? I tried to keep myself going, but I admit that it just didn’t happen like I wanted it to. I’m not giving up though. I won’t fall into the emotional rut that I have in the past. It’s a scary place to be and I’m working at staying out of it.

If any of you follow flylady.net, you’ll know that this week, she’s in the bathroom zone. I’ve been doing zone cleaning for years and for me, it’s a really good thing. With all of the upheaval in my life over the past few months or so, I decided that I needed to do that with this home and since she does a chunk of the work for me, I’m totally going with the Flylady and her zones.

So, this is all fascinating, I can hear you say..but what are you tackling precisely? Well, my bathroom. I realized yesterday that I don’t think there’s a single room in this house that doesn’t have a box in it and most of them have multiple boxes. My goal for tomorrow is to tackle the last box that is in the bathroom and have it be the first room “done.” Then, on Wednesday, I can finish cleaning it and it gives me 2 days left to this week to work on another room in this house..perhaps more in “the wall.”

Take care all! I’m going to take Miss Pity Pants and put her to bed and hopefully in the morning, she’ll wake up as Miss Productivity!


4 thoughts on “Tackle It Tuesday – The Bathroom

  1. Wow! Maybe I should try zone cleaning. It sounds like a good idea. Of course, getting a cleaning service sounds good too…but it's not in the budget! 😀 Hope you are feeling better soon!

  2. We didn't forget to sign it…I wanted you to be able to reuse it…going green and all… I am going to tackle cleaning the bathroom today after miss chow takes a bath. I reallt need to clean off the top of things…the cobwebs have cobwebs now!lol

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