It’s Friday again! This summer has flown by way too fast. Next week will be the boy’s last week here until they’re off on Christmas holidays. It’s going to be so weird not waking up every morning and hearing their voices. I much prefer when I have them during the week and their dad has them every other weekend. School is starting up on the 9th though and that means they need to be back there. At least I’ll be far more active in their school this year. I wonder if they’re looking for a teacher’s aide or anything like that…

Anyway, no more melancholy. It’s Friday and that means I need to look around and finish a task that I’ve been needing to get done and I haven’t..and I know just the one. My bedroom. When I started trying to catch up on all the laundry and things that had gotten damaged in the not so waterproof basement apartment, I neglected to get them all put away. So, they’ve been sitting here stacked (and then not so stacked as kids/cat came through). Today, I’m going to try to find the time to put some of it away where it belongs.

What do you have out that needs to be put away? I challenge you to put it away..clear space makes for nice clear minds!


One thought on “Finish It Friday

  1. I need to straighten the craft room so I can hostess a crop. No purchase obligation, just a crop.

    On another note, what day are we supposed to come over? What would you like me to bring?

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