Wordless Wednesday – Our Side Garden

Here we are, another Wednesday and I have such a fun picture this week. But first, I have to confess that yesterday totally got away from me and I didn’t get hardly any of that laundry tackled. It was just one of those days around here. The kids were having one of their “needy” days, constantly wanting my attention and they were also feeling enterprising. They’re trying to save money for a WII and they set up a diner in their bedroom…the food was free, but if I wanted water or soda (both of which we have in the fridge downstairs), it was going to cost me 50 cents! Very enterprising, I have to admit.
So, on to this week’s picture. I snapped this in our backyard not long after we moved in. I call it creative gardening decor.

Part of my Gardens

Have a great day all! I’m off to Charlotte to beat some people with some paperwork. I’m tired of these people not answering their phones, so we’re going over to deal with them face to face. Wish me luck! We’re gonna need it, I’m afraid.


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