So, did you miss me? Well, I certainly missed everyone and I very much missed blogging. The last month or so has been insane. The move ended up taking two trips and I just keep wondering how it is that I own all this/had this much in that apartment. Truth be told, a good chunk of it was in storage so sometimes opening a box is like opening a present. That part, I like. The part I don’t like is that there are so many darned boxes. Okie, well let’s try an update…
We moved. Yep, in case you missed it, we are now back in Michigan. The boys are here with me during the week and with their Dad every other weekend. It’s an adjustment for them. Ben has a hard time leaving his Dad and Roger is a momma’s boy, but we’re figuring it all out. We love the new house and after searching for mattresses that we could afford I’m thrilled to say that both boys now have a mattress. I just need to get Ben’s bed put together. Sadly, the lady who gave the beds to us was wrong about the hardware and we only had enough to get Roger’s bed put together. It’ so great that they have their own room now. It’s a bit on the small side but we’re turning the landing into a playroom/reading room.
Let’s see. I’m working for now. It’s a fun job, even though it doesn’t pay much. I’m absolutely going to have to find something to supplement it. Wow..ok, after being gone 6 weeks I thought I’d have a lot more to say, but truth is that life around here is boxes, boxes and mom, do you know where a spoon is? lol..The big news is though that I’m going to be blogging every day again now, if everything goes as planned. In fact, watch out for a Tackle It Tuesday post to immediately follow this one. My sweet friend, Nickle, has discovered my blog (ok, I told her where it was..) and wants me to blog, so I am. Hopefully, some of my former challenge friends will spot this and jump back in with us!
*hugs to all…it’s so great to be back….
Ohhh…a move! Those are terrible words for a family with kids. Hoping you are settling in nicely.