Yes, yes, I am finally back! I know it’s been ages, but I was out of town for a good chunk of that. I spent a pretty nice three weeks in Michigan with my family. It was so wonderful to have my boys with me again and to play Aunt Trina to 4 really great kids. After that, I had a fantabulous time in Milwaukee with one of my favorite yay me friends, Jim. We hung out, did some shopping, caught up on Season 1 of Survivor (we’re working our way through the series together — note to the movie fairy, we need Season 2!), ate soo much yummy food (we’re really good at that!) and went to see Happy Days – the Musical.

From there, I kinda crashed. I admit it. I had a few things happen and it dropped me down. I’m better now though and I decided it was time to get back to our Sunday challenges. Are any of you still out there and wanting to do these? I hope so. I much prefer to do them with friends.

So…what’s the challenge this week? Bathrooms!

As some of you know, I’m planning on moving back to Michigan once I graduate in May and as part of that process, I’m clearing stuff out so that I don’t have to pack it. So, this week’s challenge is to go into your bathroom and open up those drawers and cupboards and cabinets. Once you’ve done that, go through and get rid of anything expired (please make sure you check online to find the best way to dispose of chemicals and medicines). Then, go through the rest of it and sort it into keep and get rid of piles. If the stuff in the get rid of pile is worth it, list it on freecycle ( for those of you who have forgotten). If it’s not, dump it into the trash. Now, take what you’re keeping and put it away all neat and tidy like.

There you go! By the end of the week, your bathrooms should be nice and tidy. I’d love to see before/after pics! Make sure you leave a comment letting me know how you do!


2 thoughts on “Super Sunday Challenge

  1. Hehehe … the food WAS super, wasn’t it? Happy Days: The Musical was great. I’ll nudge the movie fairy for you.

    I need to clean my bathrooms, so thanks for the challenge. I have a houseful coming for the SuperBowl. On the Menu is baby back ribs (I’ll make those in the rotissierie[sp?] and the famous cucumber salad.

    Been freecycling stuff pretty regularly as I find stuff to get rid of (thanks for telling me about that way back!).

    Well, off to work on all that!

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