Oh my gosh, I’m so behind on posting things here! I’ll warn y’all now, this post is gonna be loooong and graphic intensive. Ok, now that you’ve been warned and probably some of you ran away in terror, let’s get to the goodness.

Ok..so in order of…well…order that I find the pics, here we go!

Socks..now most of the time, I’m totally barefoot, but when I do wear socks, I want to wear fun socks! K-mart had Christmas socks on sale for $1/pr so you know I couldn’t resist. In no particular order…fun socks!
Stripey Socks CloserHappy Socks

That 2nd shot was taken at school, so to celebrate the end of the semester (yay!), I present..school pictures:
BiopsychStudy TableMy schoolbag

Okie, so if anyone reads Abby’s blog (and honestly, you all should..it’s fantastic!), you’ll know that she challenged us all to go out and paint our nails. And to prove that I did it, I present..my nails!

I did it!  I painted my nails.

And speaking of Abby, I have to show you what she sent me! I was so excited when this package arrived. I had no idea what to expect..buttons, ribbons, crafty stuffs, the scale she swore she’d send me for my birthday…but she surprised me! Look at the totally fantabulous goodies that she sent me! Did I mention that she totally made both of those? She is just beyond..well..let’s just say I consider her one of my bestest friends ever.
Abby Package!K - Made by Abby!

Now, on to the crafting and I’ve done a bunch! I won’t bore you with all of my “in progress” photos, but you can go check them out on my flickr account.

Ball OrnamentsCompleted Paper Ball OrnamentsChristmas StockingsChristmas StockingsGlass OrnamentsCloseup of Glass Glitter Ornaments

There you go! As always, if you want to see a larger version, just click on the picture..If you want instructions for any of these projects, just let me know and I’ll do my best to post them before I go out of town on Friday.


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