Since I started this blog, I’m not sure that I’ve actually ever posted any layouts. That’s probably because I haven’t done any serious scrapbooking in about 4 years because of going back to school, my marriage ending and then moving and continuing with school. Well, no more excuses! I decided that the time had come to get back into “the habit” and right at that same time, Corinna came to us girls and told us that she wanted to help make a scrapbook for this lovely woman who is battling cancer. You can read Anita’s story over at Corinna’s blog. Since I am in school and really rusty at scrapbooking, I only took about 8 pictures to do. Some of the girls are doing way more than me, but it is so very much worth it.

I would love to be able to deliver the album to Anita, but I’m not 100% sure where she lives other than in Ontario. I do live less than an hour from some parts of Ontario, so maybe I will get lucky enough to be able to see her open this.

Anita - SisterAnita - Brother

The pictures aren’t great, but I’m hoping that she really enjoys the layouts.


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