Time for Me Thursday — Review & Giveaway!

Yes folks, it’s true! I am a scrapbooking, craft supply hording junkie! I’ve often wondered if there’s a 12 Step program for this, but I suspect that unless it was a new way to find fabulous craft finds, I’d fall off the wagon super quick!

Speaking of falling off the wagon, I got a small paycheck (clearing out my workstudy funds at school) and could not not not resist this Etsy shop! It’s called Quality Craft Supplies and all it took was one look at their stock and I was hooked! I mean, who doesn’t love a shop where the owner is super nice, the stock is fabulous (and green friendly!) and they do free shipping on any order that is $10 or more!

I have to show you the goodies that I bought! I just have to!

Up first, some gorgeous beads!

Square Beads

Aren’t the colors on those gorgeous?!? Ok, my second item..I think I may have bought this for a few reasons:
1. The name…Blue Banana Paper.
2. It looks soooo pretty!
3. It’s made from the waste bark of banana trees that are cut.

Which brings us to my very last item…and probably, possibly my absolute favorite! Ecofriendly Lokta Paper! It’s sooo gorgeous and totally Ecofriendly which makes it an even bigger hit in this house!

Isn’t it gorgeous? I think that may be my word of the day for this post! lol! Now, by now some of you may be asking what it is that I did for me today? I got to tear open this package and oooh and ahhh and touch and dream about what I’m going to use all these goodies for!

I totally wasn’t expecting these to arrive in the mail yet. Jodi told me she was mailing them, but wow! Super fast shipping and yay for USPS for delivering something quickly for once.

Now, I just know that all of you are itching to get your fingers on some of these fantastic items (and trust me, there are even more great items over at the store!) so you’re going to be doubly excited when I tell you that for my first ever giveaway here at Crafts By Katie, I’m going to give away a 10 sheet pack of Lokta Paper! There are 2 sheets of each of the colors shown in the above picture.

To earn entries:
1. Head on over to Quality Craft Supplies or their sister store, This Is It! Creations and then come back here and leave a comment letting me know what your favorite product is!
2. Add me to your blogroll. Make sure you leave a separate comment letting me know that you have. I don’t have a picture link yet (still need to figure out how you all do that) but hopefully I will before the contest closes. Don’t worry, a text link works just as nice!
3. Subscribe. That’s right…find out what I’m doing every day via your inbox. Again, make sure you leave me a comment letting me know that you have.
4. Blog about my giveaway and leave me a comment here so I can check it out!

Also, if you are a non-blogger, please feel free to enter, but make sure you leave me an email address so that I can contact you!

This giveaway will stay open until June 18th. I will announce the lucky winner next Thursday in my Time For Me Thursday post. I’m sorry, but this giveaway is open to US residents only. (6/12/08 – 6:23pm)

69 thoughts on “Time for Me Thursday — Review & Giveaway!

  1. BEAUTIFUL papers…

    I really like most of all the beads they have on their Esty site, I could do so much with so many of them.


  2. Fun blog Katie! I’m subscribed now.
    In the This Is It Creations shop I love the Peace Ecofriendly Journal, and in their supplies shop the Banana paper is my fave.
    But the beads are cool too, and really, I love it all…:)

  3. I love the sun earrings at This Is It. The designs there are primo! I love that etsy store!

    What I love even more is scrapbooking and this paper looks beautiful and I would love to design some pages with it!


  4. turquoise beads because they are exactly what I need for my current project 🙂 Love the papers, could do wonderful things with those.

  5. There are many items that I like. I love the Butterfly Charms-8 Total, the Ecofriendly Banana Paper-20 Sheets, the Crimson Metal Swirls, the Apple and Tangerine Earrings, the Wrap Me in Swirls Necklace Set, the Golden Drops, the Blue Flower Cloissone Earrings, and the Cat Journal- Ecofriendly. This is a great giveaway and I really hope I win. Thanks.

  6. I am a scrapbooker ,love the papers and I would love to start to make necklaces and earrings so the beads are perfect start . The chinese coins are different and my favorite
    Count me in to win

  7. Who wouldn’t love all the charms! Count me in for the butterfly charms, wait a minute, maybe the dolphin charms, wait what about the beads!! Oh Heck, I couldn’t make up my mind if I tried! If I win just send me what YOU like!

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