PayPerPost – I’ve Taken The Plunge

So, I did it. I signed up for payperpost. I had seen this on a lot of blogs, but I wasn’t sure that I wanted to do this. Somehow it seemed like selling out. That was before I saw that my new friend at All Things Frugal had done it and made almost $600 in 3 months, I couldn’t say no. After all, every penny sure helps in any household and with gas prices the way they are…whew! The boys and I need all the income we can get this summer and this is something I can do from home. I don’t want anyone to worry though, I’m not selling out. This blog will still include all our favorite my crafting and cleaning and organizing…and the list goes on. I started this blog to share those things and I’ll keep on sharing them. Besides, all your comments sure do make me feel good about my projects!

If all goes well, the boys and I will have some extra money to do some fun things this summer and to go towards getting some stuff that we need. We all need new summer clothes. Extra money for normal household things sure wouldn’t hurt either.

5 thoughts on “PayPerPost – I’ve Taken The Plunge

  1. Thanks for sharing this. I’ve been looking for something to make a bit of extra money for guess what? Gas and food!! The rising prices are really hurting my family! I’m going to speak with my husband about this and see what he thinks. But it was nice to read about a real live person (not testimonials on their blog) who made money. You always wonder if it really works!

  2. I actually created a review blog just so I wouldn’t have to intermingle the review stuff with the life stuff. Since I do BzzAgent and other marketing stuff, I wanted to keep it separate. This also gives me the opportunity to do pay-per-post at a later time.

    Hope it works out well for you!

  3. Wow $600 in three months? That’s great. I’ve made a little over $400, but it’s been like a year. Low pagerank is holding my back. So, I’m working on getting that up. How? Hmmmm… trying to get good backlinks. I think that’s the key, but I’m not quite sure. 🙂

    Good luck with them… I hope it works out better for you. There are others too: ReviewMe, Blogvertise, LoudLaunch (still waiting on approval from them), SocialSpark, Bloggerwave, SponsoredReviews and Blogitive… maybe one of those will work for you… oh yea and Smorty.

    Hope this helps.

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