I think it’s been close to three years since I’ve done any serious crafting. So much of life has gotten in the way of me being able to sit down and really enjoy crafting. First there was the breakup of my marriage and then the divorce. Of course after that, it was all about working hard and finishing my associates degree. I’m very proud to say that I graduated Magna Cum Laude and now I’m in Buffalo working on my Bachelors degree. The move from Michigan to New York wasn’t in my life plan, but after nearly a year of being here, I’m finally settling in.
My biggest excitement right now is the fact that I have *finally* started organizing my craft things and I’ve been slowly moving them into my apartment. Now, my apartment is only 300 square feet, so it’s taken some creative organizing, but it’s slowly coming together. Thank god for a nice big bedroom closet!
So now I’ve created this new blog where it’s my intention to start posting some pictures of my organizing progress and hopefully sometime soon, my actual crafting projects. I’m also hoping to get back in touch with some of the wonderful women I used to know in the crafting world.
Hey Girl. Long time! I’m glad you visited my blog. It’s good to find my fellow crafters. I hope all is going well…and keep me posted on your progress of getting back to crafts. It’s been over a year since I have scrapbooked, so I’m trying to get back inthe swing of things too!
Hi Katrina….it is soooooooo great to ‘see’ you. I’m glad to see you are getting through things good. Looking forward to seeing you again.
Congrats on your degree…you are awesome.
Hi Katrina! Welcome back to scrapping world. Wow! You’ve been BUSY, girlfriend! College and now a master’s? When we were on the group together before, I had no idea you were such a miss smarty pants! LOL Lots of life changes for you, huh? So show us some photos of this space you’re organizing! I love organization. And 300 square feet TOTAL? I’d also love to see photos of that apartment!