With the heatwave we’ve been having, I cannot believe that I’m posting a soup recipe. In fact, I confess to being sitting in a little restaurant, soaking up their air…
Lobster is one of those foods that I get to eat once in a blue moon. It just screams decadence to me and you know what? Every once in a…
Does anyone remember being a kid and saying, “ewww…lima beans!”? I don’t. I loved lima beans as a kid. If I had an eww veggie, it would have been beets….
Last week, we had Italian Minestrone and this week, we’re ditching the meat and having Lentil Minestrone! This would be great for those of you who do Meatless Monday or…
I love minestrone soup. I just can’t help myself. Do you have a favorite soup that you or your family love? Comment below to tell me all about it! ~~~…
Are you one of those people who love soups and stews no matter what time of year it is? I confess that I’m not. When it’s hot out, the last…
Nothing says comfort food more than chicken and dumplings. All the yummy veggies in a yummy sauce with yummy bready dumplings…I may be drooling on myself now… Ingredients: 3 pounds…
Cheeseburgers are always a favorite around here. I have secret dreams of traveling the country trying out different types of burgers in different places. It’s just one of my food…
When your kids were young did you put cheese on their veggies to get them to eat them? Do you do it to your veggies? If so, you may just…
Ut-oh…another thing that I already professed my love for has turned into another recipe! I’d apologize if these weren’t so yummy! Plus, it’s the perfect time of year for soups…