I know it’s been a while since I’ve brought you a review, but have no fear, I’m back with something new and different for you. Strap on your what the…
Oh Chicago..the city that sent me home loads of reviews and a few new friends to boot. I will forever look upon that trip with fondness. I was beyond tired…
Well folks, I’m back from Phoenix and while I am, I’m not quite ready to write about the weekend there. It wasn’t what I was expecting and it’s led to some…
I feel like I’ve been totally slacking. I still have a good sized pile of reviews to bring to y’all but I’ve needed a bit of a break to focus…
Ahh Dusk…one of my favorite times of day and the title of a new to me comic book series. Just check out that cover. Doesn’t it just ooze dark mystery…
Hi all! I’m back with another comic book review from the amazing stack that I brought back from C2E2. Before I get into that though, I want to give a…
Image blatantly borrowed from Ross’ etsy shop For quite a while now, I have had this little book sitting on the suitcases next to my bed (yes, I have suitcases…
Oh, Ursa Minor, how much you surprised me. Seriously, when I first heard of you, I didn’t think you would begin to capture my attention or my imagination. I never…
Yay, another zombie book! I know that’s what you’re thinking and honestly, I thought it too. Zombies are the new vampires and honestly, I’d rather have sparkly vampires. Now, before…
I know what you’re thinking. What in the heck is Katrina doing? Zombies? The girl is the biggest wuss known to wussdom and suddenly she’s doing reviews on books that…