I was just talking to my oldest about having some sort of fancy food for dinner and what do I come upon? Orange chicken. That seems mighty fancy to me…
January ….already….wow…In just 5 days, my oldest will turn 19 and then will be off to a special “college” for five weeks. I’m not sure I’m ready for that but…
Happy New Year’s Eve, everyone! I cannot believe that in less than a day it will be 2019. Where has this year gone? I hope that you can make today…
The one thing that I really missed this past summer was having my herb garden. Life looked at me and giggled when I even thought about putting one in. Still,…
I can’t believe that the year is almost gone! I need some comfort food to help me deal with that fact. How about some fried chicken, mashed tatos, and corn?…
If you’re anything like me, your children have insane schedules and when you add your own into it, it’s enough to make you go grey! At least that’s the excuse…
Holy crow! My oldest turns 18 this week! I’m not ready for this! Where have the years gone? Yesterday I was visiting him in the NICU and now he’s getting…
Welcome to a new year! Last year went by so fast! I can’t believe it’s already 2018. What I can believe is that you should start your new year the…
Merry Christmas, everyone! Our holidays are a bit “off” with the boys splitting their time between their dad’s house and mine. With that being the case, we rarely do a…
Brrrrr! I was not ready for the cold and the snow this year! I hope the weather is treating you well wherever you are. For us, not only is it…