What did you get into trouble for the most when you were a kid? Whew. Let’s see. I’m sure I got into trouble for the usual things, like being mouthy,…
Name one thing that you have lied to yourself about. Why did you do this? Wow, this is a tough one this week. The first thing that pops to mind…
Come up with a mathematical formula to express something you know/believe. Me + My Children + Time = Happy Me Me + The Man + Time = Happy Me Me…
You are the wind’s interpreter. What is it saying? Keep going. Just keep going. It’s tough, but you’re tougher. Stand in front of me and I’ll give you the nudge…
Write about something presently in your life that is “worth it.” Whew…there are so many things that I could write about. The kids, the man, the dehoarding, the working…but really,…
Every week, I’m sure I’ve found a question that’s going to stump me, but I’m discovering more and more that my brain kicks right in and starts running away with…
I’ll confess that I saw a sneak peek of this week’s prompt and all week I’ve avoided thinking about it because it causes anxiety. I’m not at a point in…
Comics were easy when I was a kid. I’d put my pencil to the paper and make it up as I went along. No planning, they just happened. After a…
It’s not a birthday without presents! So, over the next few weeks, I’m going to be giving away copies of all three of my books that are on Amazon! I’m…
Sometimes a question seems hard when you first read it and it turns out that it’s super easy. Ready for this week’s question? I am. I love these weekly prompts! What…