Once upon a time, I probably lived without anxiety, without fear, without constant worries, but I don’t remember that time. These things have been a part of my world for…
Five years ago today I got the call that would lead to the end of something that had started 10 months previously. Looking back, I think I can say that…
Normally I would shrink down the images here to the “small” setting but I just can’t with this one. I’m so incredibly proud of what that image represents that to…
Hi all! I realized today that it’s been quite a while since I posted just a random update post. Since I have a bit of time before I need to…
Once upon a time, I used to write. I wrote stories. I wrote poems. I wrote articles. I was always writing. Then, I stopped. Oh, it wasn’t all at once….
Image via Tumblr The other day, I was approached about writing for a site that considers themselves to be a nerd blog. Now, I confess that I’ve read all of…
Best-selling Marvel Comics writer Brian Michael Bendis reveals the comic book writing secrets behind his work on The Avengers, Ultimate Spider-Man, All-New X-Men, and more. Arguably the most popular writer…
Sometimes, when I’m driving, I pass this tree. I call it the shoe tree because over the years, people have tied their shoes together and tossed them up into it….
Once upon a time, there was a little girl. Like all little girls, she started out life happy and sweet but over time, she grew more and more sad. You…
It was just after midnight on Wednesday morning..or was it Tuesday night? Did it really matter? What matters is the post. The post that started everything all over again. The…