Writing Tools – Image Courtesy of Bas Bleu I have a confession to make. Life scooped me up this past week and I didn’t get a chance to do any…
I’m so excited! Today is the official release day for Sarah’s Journal! Sarah’s Journal picks up where None Good ends and continues throughout most of Except One. Now everyone can…
Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone! I’m super excited to be able to say that from today until February 28th, anyone who purchased or received both The Tether: None Good and Except One can…
During NaNoWriMo this year, I was hard at work doing the final edits for The Tether – Except One and working on a piece that starts at the end of…
So many of my friends are posting about how this is the last work day of 2017 for them. I love how some of them are posting how they’re going…
2017 is almost gone. Can you believe it? I know that I can’t. It seems like just last week we were watching the ball drop and then the boys and…
I know that things have been quiet around here, but today, I can finally reveal why that is! I’ve been hard at work on book 2 of The Tether Series!…
Today I dropped off the youngest at Jazz Camp for the week and as I drove away, it struck me just how independent he’s become. As soon as we’d collected…
“People who have experienced trauma may associate the excitement of success with the same physiological reactions as trauma. They avoid subjecting themselves to excitement-inducing circumstances, which causes them to be…
Last post I left off with the conversation that I had with myself on the drive home after a busy day. Today, I want to tell you about what happened…