This isn’t a huge tackle like last week. The difference is that this week, I’ve been sick. My oldest son brought a cold from his dad’s house and guess who…
It’s true. I’m surrounded by famous people. If you’ve checked out my blogroll, you’ve seen them. First, there is Famous Klo. For those of you who don’t know Klo, I’m…
So this is a brand new day of the week type thing. I just invented it all by myself but would love if anyone else would like to use it…
A View of Mommy, after the van cleaning…as taken by Roger, 7 years old and first time allowed to use mommy’s camera by himself.
I have declared this summer to be my summer of organization. As part of that, I’ve decided to start participating in Tackle it Tuesday, hosted by So here, we…
I went into Dollar General today looking for a pitcher to make lemonade in and look at the goodies I found! These were too cute to pass up! Pretty papers…
A friend of mine passed this link on to me this morning because he was sure I’d want to blog about it. He was right! “The cemetery says middle-age women…
On my last thrift store run (too long ago, I need to go again!), I found this little box and fell in love with it. I had no idea what…
For those out there who love looking at organization (and I’m one of those!), here are the pictures of my ribbon jars that I promised. I was going to post…
Ok, after digging through code to fix the header and retyping everyone’s links, I think it’s up and running and all functional! Woohoo! If anyone notices anything wrong, please let…