Today is my birthday and looking over my hopes and expectations for today got me thinking about life online. When is it that e-gifts and cards became so common nature…
Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, I walk past this I-Beam to head to my first class. Today, I just happened to turn around and notice that this figure was painted…
August 12-17 was absolutely fantastic, I have to say. Justin came up to visit us and we had a wonderful time. The boys had never met him so I was…
So, like I mentioned, I got to go with Steph and Klo to the show in Valley Forge, PA. All I can say is whew, it is always an adventure….
Holy cow! How the heck has it been another month since I last posted? I obviously don’t have the first! So, I’m gonna do a few posts to help…
Here he is, in all his stately..ok kitty glory. For more of the story behind the photos, check out my Flickr account.
I want to start out by thanking all of you who sent your condolences about Sylver. He really was one of my babies and a well loved member of our…
I’m devestated to have to say that my sweet boy, my Sylver kitty has died. I found him in the closet this afternoon and I dont think I’ve stopped crying…
I am having such an argh kinda day. I woke up when the alarm went off and already the house was a million degrees. I have fans running in every…
Going crazy, I swear. Ok, I was already crazy but it’s felt like an insane summer. My boys are here with me and we’ve been trying to keep busy with…