Oh how I would love to say that today I’m going to finish being sick! Sadly, I know that’s not the case but being sick hasn’t been all bad. I’ve…
Ugh! I’m still not better! Ok, I’m better, but I’m not well. I just feel totally drained and as of last night, I was still running a low grade fever….
Ok, I hadn’t planned on blogging more than once today, but I just read something that makes me so sad that I just had to write about it. About a…
Woo! Look at me, two posts on two days in a row again! Ok, so maybe that only impresses me but once my routines get broken, it can take me…
Wow..it’s been over a week since I posted. Did you think I got katienapped in Canada and they wouldn’t let me come home? Nope, I didn’t get nearly that lucky….
Just a super short post because it’s actually just before 1am here, but I did want to make sure this did get posted. I got a super surprise and found…
Wednesday..Wednesday…so good to me…Ok, those aren’t the real lyrics, but even though I feel down right crummy (fallout from Monday’s events) I am in good spirits. I just wish my…
Sorry everyone for not posting yesterday. Yesterday was one of those days that I never want to relive again. Because of that, I’m not going to post details here to…
With the holidays fast approaching, I’ve been thinking a lot about how we’re going to be doing things. The boys and I have some holiday traditions that we do every…
Hello! Hello! Happy Friday! I’m determined that it’s going to be a happy day even if it’s raining…again! I’ve pretty much given up on the idea that I’m going to…