Ahhh Monday! The day of the week when I always have the best of intentions. Today is turning out pretty good though. I had a lovely lady from down the…
It’s been a few weeks, but don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten this post topic. Life just got ahold of me and refused to let me go. I do have to…
Happy Friday, world! Today was a good day around here. The boys and I spent it just relaxing together and playing on Facebook. They did get their homework all finished…
Woo! It’s Thursday and it’s been such a great week so far. The boys have been here and while we haven’t been super productive, we’ve had lots of fun together….
I know! It’s Thursday! I’m running so far behind with things, but I’m here and that counts, right? It’s just going to get worse…I have a confession to make. My…
Well, it’s not quite Wednesday so somehow I feel like I’m ahead of the game. I promise that I’m going to start getting back on schedule, soon. It’s good for…
Whew..It’s technically Tuesday but today was a busy-ish kinda day. The boys and I had to be up and out the door by 7:30 this morning to head into Grand…
Whew! We made it! It’s Friday! I wish I could say that I’ve had a super productive week, but it’s just not the case. I did get bits done here…
Happy Thursday, all! The weather here is gorgeous and it’s hard to stay focused on the things I ought to be doing. I have a living room that is calling…
Technically it’s Thursday but I do have a good reason for not posting this earlier today. I was playing on the radio! Rob and I finally hooked up and I…