Another Wednesday, another new theme over at Sunday Shutterbugs. This week, the theme is Jump. Now, I confess two things. 1. This isn’t a new picture. I took it back…
Over on Sunday Shutterbugs, the theme was Incandescent. They even posted a definition! For my photo, I chose this one of Roger. There’s just something about this boy. I swear…
Hi all! I just wanted to let you know I haven’t fallen off the face of the Earth, I’ve just gone to Canada for a week. I’m hanging out with…
Just a quick note to those of you, who like our family, are planting gardens. Watch where your water is going. While a rain barrel is your best option for…
Whew! What a busy day. I worked at the Habitat for Humanity ReStore from 9-2pm. I was only supposed to work until 1 but they were busy and the usual…
I did the best Time For Me in a long time. Today, I went over to the boys’ school and watched them both receive Student of the Month. This is…
Wordless Wednesday and I have the cutest picture! This is Miss Sadie Mae. She joined our family after I found out she might be tossed outside in a very busy…
Woo! It’s Tuesday and it started early for me. I had to go into Grand Rapids to meet up with Peter, Donna, Ben and Roger. Ben had a doctor’s appointment…
Whew! It’s Monday! I got up early today and got some stuff done before my radio show which was a good feeling. The show went really well except for some…
Happy Saturday, everyone. I hope it’s gorgeous for all of you. The rain held off here which allowed me to attempt to mow my front yard. I say attempt because…