It’s almost ironic that this was the topic chosen. I had a long talk with someone yesterday about one of the biggest things I’ve learned since becoming a mom to…
I cannot even begin to explain the time I had with Klo, Jill and Steph over the past few days. I would honestly describe it as one of the best…
I’m going to Novi on Wednesday! Klo and the girls…omg, they’re the absolute best! Not only are they letting me share their hotel room, they’re going to pay me to…
Don’t ask me why, but I somehow got the idea that it would be fun and cute to take Herbert, the giant stuffed duck, with me grocery shopping today. I…
Ok, so once I saw what Jill had done over on her blog, I couldn’t resist trying to do one myself. Course the laundry list of problems with that didn’t…
Well, I’m stuck in Michigan at Peter’s house while he’s in Asia. While I love the extra time with my boys, it also means that I can’t take pics of…
Oh my gosh, I had 2 comments on my welcome back post. That’s not the exciting part. The exciting part is that they were from Klo and Dona! These two…
I was sitting here thinking of the process it took to get to put those away and decided to post it. Sticker binder -> Sort out stickers (ones in binder…
Well, more progress has been made. It’s slow going, but I’m so proud of it. Yesterday, I totally cleared out from under my table in the bedroom. Ick! It involved…