That’s what I’m starting to wonder myself. I seem to have stalled on my grand scheme of getting this place in order so that I could actually craft. I know…
Ok, I just found this really cool new search tool. It’s called the Carbon Neutral Search Engine. What is this? It’s this very cool company that has figured out what…
I feel like I’m slacking here. I have all these great days of the week themes and I haven’t been writing like I wanted to. It just seems that on…
For those of you who love getting paid to blog or those of you looking for those of us who love being paid, have you checked out SocialSpark, yet? In…
Yes folks, it’s true! I am a scrapbooking, craft supply hording junkie! I’ve often wondered if there’s a 12 Step program for this, but I suspect that unless it was…
The boys and their first library cards…I’m so proud of them. They love the library and reading.
Ok..I posted about this the other day, but finally after 2 days of cleaning, I have finished cleaning out that deep freeze. I sure hope I never have to do…
It will be posted sometime tonight. My deep freeze got unplugged and everything..and I mean everything went bad. So far we’ve hauled out 3 trash bags full of chicken, turkey,…
Ok, I am having one of those days and I need to get it out of my system. I woke up about 10 minutes late today and still would have…
Ok, Edie is having photo issues so I’m gonna test this for her… Adding Photos: Step 1: Cursor where I want the photo.Step 2: Push the photo button.Step 3: Browse…