Autumn is seriously my favorite time of the year! I love the crispness to the air, the fact that you can buy honeycrisp apples and the changing of the leaves!…
My new baby finally arrived today. After saving my pennies for months and then waiting weeks to finalize the order, he’s finally here! Yes, of course it’s a he..just look…
Today is my birthday and looking over my hopes and expectations for today got me thinking about life online. When is it that e-gifts and cards became so common nature…
Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, I walk past this I-Beam to head to my first class. Today, I just happened to turn around and notice that this figure was painted…
August 12-17 was absolutely fantastic, I have to say. Justin came up to visit us and we had a wonderful time. The boys had never met him so I was…
So, like I mentioned, I got to go with Steph and Klo to the show in Valley Forge, PA. All I can say is whew, it is always an adventure….
Holy cow! How the heck has it been another month since I last posted? I obviously don’t have the first! So, I’m gonna do a few posts to help…
Here he is, in all his stately..ok kitty glory. For more of the story behind the photos, check out my Flickr account.
I want to start out by thanking all of you who sent your condolences about Sylver. He really was one of my babies and a well loved member of our…
I’m devestated to have to say that my sweet boy, my Sylver kitty has died. I found him in the closet this afternoon and I dont think I’ve stopped crying…