Hi, everyone. I wanted to come to you and let you know what’s happening in my world right now. I launched a GoFundMe to help raise funds for me to buy my house. For those of you who don’t know, I’m currently unable to work outside of the house and my editing business is really quiet. I also had to replace my car in the past year. All of this has led to me worrying that I won’t have the needed funds to buy my house when the lease is up. Without those funds, I don’t know where the cats and I will end up.

Now, I’m not one to give up. In the past few days, I’ve set up my Patreon as well as a fiverr account. I’m just waiting on my tax information to clear and then I’ll be ready to pick up any clients that fiverr can send my way. I can provide content to Patreon and work on editing and proofreading jobs from home. I’m looking forward to both since they’re both things that I love doing.
If you’d like to read more about the situation, make a donation, subscribe to my Patreon, or hire me for some work, click the links below:
Hire me : email Katrina@KatScratchPress.com
Thank you guys for all of your support!

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