Happy Thursday, everyone! I’m happy to report that I’m finally on the mend! I can actually take deep breathes without feeling like death. I’m still worn down but heck, naps are one of my favorite things. Of course, naps are why I’m writing this at 9pm. Still, it’s worth it if means feeling better.
As for the hands, I’m still the same in that area. I never received a call from the place where they do the testing so I need to email my doctor’s office about that. The good news is that they aren’t doing worse and I found a good video on how to do some exercises that may help. If you’d like to check them out, you can do that over on YouTube. Maybe we can start a workout group…hehe…
Now, for news of the book! It’s done! I finished writing the last story and did the formatting. I still need to pay my marvelous artist and get Eric going on the cover. Unfortunately, he’s busy until at least October. I can’t imagine having anyone else working on this series though so I’ll wait. It’s hard to believe that today a year ago I was building the campaign for Cobalt’s Castaways. Time sure flies by. My goal is to have this book in the books (hahaha) by the end of the year.
Staring on the 28th, I’ll be spending 4 hours a week at Starbucks. My oldest son needs a ride back and forth to his class so that’s where I’ll be hanging out while he’s doing math. I figured it’d be the perfect time to work on Florida Cats A-Z. I have the first twenty cats picked out already so I just need to sit down and start the writing. If you’d like to support my Starbucks habit, hit the KoFi link over there on the right.
Just a reminder…once we hit 750 followers on Instagram, I’ll be giving away some goodies! We’re only 61 followers from goal so I know if we keep sharing and spreading the word, we’ll be there before we know it. Not sure where to click to find it? Click Here!

That’s it for this week! See you next week!

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