You did it! We now have 50 followers on the campaign. I’m so excited. It felt like a huge goal, but y’all knocked it out of the park a good two weeks before we go live. Now the ball is back in my court. Now the the cover is in, I’m blessed to have Eric Cockrell working on the final graphics for the campaign. He says that I have to record my own audio for the video though. This is my first time creating a Kickstarter video so I’m pretty nervous!
But, you’re not here to hear about my nerves. You’re here to see the cover! So without further ado…
Isn’t it spectacular? James Sims did an amazing job. I couldn’t be happier with it! You’d never know that it’s his first prose cover. We’re going to base the bookmark (stretch goal #1) off of it. Guys, I’m so excited for this cover and for this book. I cannot wait to share them with all of you!
If you’re interested in buying the book during its pre-order, go to Kickstarter and click on the Notify Me on Launch button. October 1st will be here before we know it! Remember, the book won’t be available on Amazon until June at the earliest.
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