Holy Catnip! With business booming, Cat Detectives, Buckley and Bogey, have their paws full when it comes to running the BBCDA — the Buckley and Bogey Cat Detective Agency. But…
Yay! It’s Thursday! I’ve come to really look forward to the weekly writing prompts. Hopefully y’all have too! This week’s prompt is: What area of your life do you tend…
We’re back! Pneumonia kept me away from the keyboard and the kitchen, but I’m back and what better day that my youngest son’s 19th birthday! And it’s a cake recipe!…
Last week I told you a story about my youngest son. Today’s is all about a trip my oldest and I took together a couple of summers ago. When was…
Hey, everyone! Some of you may have noticed that the site got really quiet for about a month. It turns out that my little cough turned into pneumonia and knocked…
It’s been a while since I’ve posted here (there will be a post coming to explain) and it feels really good to be back! Today’s question brought a smile to…