This recipe is a household favorite! I mean, who doesn’t love alfredo and shrimp? Okay, I know that some of you don’t love them but that’s okay. Everyone at my house does!
Seafood Alfredo:
1 stick butter
2 cups whole milk
1 teaspoon herbs de provence
3/4 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
3/4 cup shredded parmesan
3 smashed and chopped garlic cloves
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
2 Tablespoons flour
1 pound frozen, cooked shrimp
Pour the milk into your crockpot and then stir in the flour. Add your herbs and garlic, stirring them in. Add the stick of butter and all of the cheese.
Cook on low for 4-6 hours.
Don’t panic when your butter separates from the milk and cheese. It will be okay, I promise.
Stir the mixture thoroughly and add your frozen shrimp. Cook pasta according to package directions. When its done, toss the alfredo sauce with your pasta and enjoy!
And…if I might suggest, while your pasta is cooking, why not toss some garlic bread into the oven and toss together a simple salad to go alongside your pasta? Yum, yum, yum!