Book Review: Murder on New Year’s Eve

Ridgeway Rescue Mysteries can be read in 1-2 hours. Perfect for when you’re waiting for an appointment or just want a fast read. Don’t miss out on this quick, clean, cozy mystery that will keep you guessing until the end!

It’s New Year’s Eve and 20-year-old Emma Wright has a date with her crush—well, not a real date, but she can dream! Colby Davidson, the K9 search and rescue deputy, is allowing her to accompany him while he’s on patrol at the Ridgeway Illumination Festival. Though they are just friends, she’s still hoping for a possible kiss at the end of the festivities.

When a stranger asks them to help take some pictures at the event, Emma and Colby are happy to oblige. But their assistance turns them into alibis for the man’s whereabouts while his girlfriend was killed. Most of the clues point to a robbery gone bad, but Emma doesn’t believe all of them point that way. Was it really a robbery or was it murder?

This is the first novella in the Ridgeway Rescue Mystery series. It introduces us to Colby, Emma, and Emma’s dad as well as two very awesome dogs! After reading the others, I couldn’t wait to jump into this one as well!

The Good: Emma is a bit…well, flighty…but she’s a total sweetheart and far more observant than I will ever be! Colby is strong and responsible and you just know there’s a backstory there that you want to dive into!

The Bad: I read this out of order so this was the last one that I read and I was sad to discover there were only three so far. I can’t wait for more!

The Summary: This is a great series by a very talented author. Yes, they’re short but that just makes you want them more! They’re perfect for those days where you’re stuck sitting around, waiting for something. Pick them up and enjoy!

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