Crockpot Monday: Wassail

According to Wikipedia, wassail is a beverage of hot mulled cider, drunk traditionally as an integral part of wassailing, a Medieval Christmastide English drinking ritual intended to ensure a good cider apple harvest the following year.

I know that it’s no longer Christmas, but I think we can hope for a good apple harvest no matter what time of year! Okay, that’s stretching for a reason to post this recipe. That’s okay! Yummy drinks are yummy no matter when you make them.

2 quarts apple cider
1 cup pineapple juice
1/2 cup honey
3 sticks cinnamon
2 whole cloves
1 whole orange, cut in rings
Brandy (Optional)


Use a large crockpot.

Put all of the ingredients into the crockpot, except for the brandy and orange. Wash your orange well, and cut off each end. Slice the remaining orange into rings, and float the pieces on the top of the juice.

Cook on high for 2 hours, or on low for about 4.

Ladle into mugs. If you are going to add the brandy, put a shot into each mug, then top with the hot cider.

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