Ingredients: 1 lb thin beef (I used rib eye) 1/4 cup soy sauce 2 T white wine 2 T apple cider vinegar 1 T brown sugar 2 tsp. sesame oil…
Nine contestants. One crown. Destiny awaits. Garrick Tremaine was happy with a simple life as a soldier. But a mysterious dream has drawn him to Twin Falls, where the duke…
It’s a tough afternoon around here right now. Insecurities are screaming in my head and I’m really struggling with shutting them down. It gets this way sometimes. It gets this…
For the past few days I’ve gone back and forth with myself as to whether or not I was ready to put this out into the universe. Then, tonight, I…
Ingredients: 1 pound lean ground turkey or beef 1 small onion, chopped 2 fully cooked andouille sausage links (6-ounces, total) 1 teaspoon garlic powder 1/4 teaspoon paprika 1/4 teaspoon thyme…
He wanted his father’s love. What he got instead will change the world. Gothemus Draco – world’s most powerful sorcerer – is dead. Locked away in his tower are the…
Hey all! It’s been faaaaaar too long since I sat down and fed you guys some yummy food! Fingers crossed that life is falling into more of a routine now…
A vampire owing child support . . . A law student stranded in a war-torn fantasy world . . . A trigger-happy collections agent who repossesses unpaid gadgetry . ….
I don’t know how many people read my post earlier today, but this is a follow up to that. What I wrote earlier was based purely on anxiety and emotion…
The plumber came. The plumber went. Nothing is repaired. Why? Because it’s worse than anyone realized. Someone installed shoddy plumbing and pipes need to replaced. The good news is that…