Book Review: Better All the Time

Seraphina Darling has always struggled to stand out. With her weight issues at the forefront of her mind, Sephy prefers to place herself comfortably in the background. But when Sephy’s best friend and older brother announce their engagement, she vows to make a permanent change in her appearance and her life.

Meanwhile her younger sister, Amy, lands her dream job: coordinating the restoration of the community theater’s arts programs. As the deadline for the project’s completion approaches, Amy continues to run herself ragged, struggling to delegate and trust anyone but herself.

As the Darling sisters move through tragedy and triumph, between shadows and the limelight, each must find a path into the freedom of who God intended her to be.

Another night of lost sleep, another great book. Funny how the two happen to go hand in hand more often than not, isn’t it? In this follow up book to All Right Here, Ms. Gardner kept me turning page after page. The characters were well written and I challenge any of you to find one that you don’t relate to on some level. As someone whose family is comprised of just her and two teenage boys, reading about a large family was a fun change of pace. The best part? There’s a third book coming!


I received a copy of this book for the purpose of this review. All thoughts, comments, and opinions are my own.
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