n Wrestling for My Life, WWE superstar Shawn Michaels shares from his heart about the highs and lows of his life inside the WWE. Included are some never-before-shared stories and an intimate look into his career as well as stories of hunting, family, and faith.
With millions of fans, Michaels had adulation and all the attention he could ask for, but he discovered there was something more. When he became a committed Christian during his years in the WWE it had to affect everything. Michaels reveals what it is like to be a man of faith in this unusual world and shares insights for all of us
I originally picked up this book because Ben is a huge WWE fan and always enjoyed Shawn Michaels. It’s something that Ben and I have always enjoyed watching together so I knew there was a very good chance that I would enjoy this book as well. Turns out that I was right. The book isn’t as preachy as I was originally concerned that it would be. Yes, Shawn mentions his faith, God and Jesus on nearly every page but it’s done respectfully and not in a way that you feel as if it’s being crammed down your throat. Having read this book, I’m very interested in finding a copy of the first book that Shawn helped to pen about his life. As for this book, it’s a fine edition to both the wrestling and autobiography genres and both Ben and I are hoping to read more about the entertainers that we enjoy on tv every week.
I received a copy of this book for the purpose of this review. All thoughts, comments, and opinions are my own.
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