It’s been a really long time since I actually cooked. I’ll confess that I’ve been living off of Weight Watchers frozen meals for months now. One of the baby steps…
About a month ago, I received an email from Aloha Island Lei with a review request. My first reaction was to chuckle. What was I going to do with a…
I’ve spent the past 30 hours wanting to write here, even needing to write here but not knowing what to say. I always find that to be such a sad…
Tomorrow is the day where I find out if I’m officially crazy. I’ve said it before and I guess I’m going to say it again…I don’t know which idea is…
I haven’t been posting here regularly for a while now. Usually I come back and I make some lame excuse or laugh off my absence. Today..Today, I’m going to tell…
While today is Saint Patrick’s Day, that’s not why I’ve come to write. I know that I’ve been neglectful of all my sites lately but sometimes, in life, you need…
With the sun shining and the weather really starting to heat up, it’s time to grab some new sunglasses. You can go for a conservative retro-chic look or something totally…
About the book: Christmas Eve 1894 All Margaret Campbell wants for Christmas is a safe journey home. When her plans for a festive holiday with her family in Stirling crumble…
Bonus Fact! This isn’t me. I’m a survivor. I’ve survived physical abuse, emotional abuse, rape, the loss of a child, the loss of a parent, depression, being suicidal, an eating…
Collapse What would it take for the United States to fall from within? In a not too distant future, America is put to the test. With the American people deep…