“I remember the borders of our land, though I have been gone from them nearly half the moons of my life. But who there will remember me? What I have…
“Lilly Corbett Still has grown to love her life as the small-town doctor of Skip Rock, a tiny coal community in the Kentucky mountains. Though her husband, Tern, is away…
Summer, fall, winter, spring—Smitten, Vermont, is the place for love . . . and mystery! There’s a secret in Grandma Rose’s attic—a forgotten set of dog tags belonging to her…
Woops! It looks like I missed a couple of weeks there. Life got crazy with the start of football practices and all of the work that we’ve been doing around…
Every Friday, a postcard.Every Friday, a love poem.Every Friday for sixty years. Adam Colby is just doing his job, sorting through the unsold Alexander belongings after the estate sale. He…
More eating from the cupboard this week as we work our way through some financially tight times. It may not be the healthiest but we all have full bellies and…
Grocery money is a little bit tight this week, so I decided it’d be a perfect time to clear out the freezer and cupboards. I warn you that there’s not…
Have you met amazing friends or the love of your life online? Echoes explores online relationships. Lauren, fresh from a broken romance, “meets” KC on line, and they strike up…
I’m so excited about menu planning and cooking again. It feels wonderful to be more like the me that I know I can be. Thank god for the medication that…
I am loving meal planning again. It’s amazing what happens when you take little baby steps to getting better. Suddenly things that I had lost enjoyment in seem fresh and…