I’ve spent the past 30 hours wanting to write here, even needing to write here but not knowing what to say. I always find that to be such a sad irony; the girl who has a writer’s soul not knowing what to write. I guess let’s start with what the doctor said…

I broke it down for some friends like this:

1. It turns out that I’m brilliant. IQ testing, for what it’s worth, put me at smarter than 90% of the people on the planet.
2. I have PTSD that mostly likely began when I was about 3 and has continued untreated well into adulthood. The other “traumas” that I have gone through have only made it worse and in part most likely led to…
3. What is most likely Bipolar II disorder. The testing that I did wasn’t geared towards that but it did come up as a possibility and after discussing my symptoms that the testing didn’t go over, he’s pretty convinced.

So…now what? Now, I wait to hear back from my primary care doctor to see if they’ll write me a prescription for a lithium based medication. I also have to call and set up a therapy schedule with a therapist who specializes in trauma therapy for women and children.

On paper, that’s where I am right now. Inside my head, I’m so far from there. The stress and anxiety of yesterday has led to exhaustion and depression today. Add into that what one friend calls the “female chemical factory” that’s going on inside of my body and I’m left wondering what the point of it all is.

I’d love to be able to say don’t worry, I’ll be fine, but the reality is..or at least the reality inside of my own head…I don’t know. I don’t know if I will ever be “fine” again. I look around and I see people smiling and laughing and so much of the time, it feels as if I don’t even recognize those emotions. I put on a brilliant show, but deep down, I’m not sure what happy even is.

There are times..maybe too many times..that I sit and think about how I wish nobody really cared about me because then I could just vanish. Somehow, I could just cease to exist on this planet and the world would be such a better place. The oddest part? When I have those thoughts, I’m disconnected from them. There’s no deep emotional well that they’re coming from. If I were to say it out loud, it would be said in that same bored tone like, “Yeah, I should take the garbage out.”

So I would love to say don’t worry…because I’ll be okay, but instead it’s don’t worry, you’ll be okay. Who knows, maybe I will be too. After all, this is only 2/3 of my world…the rest of it is nothing like this…

For now though, I’m going to leave you with two posts..written by someone who has said and illustrated it so much better than I can right now. She’s been there, so she understands…please go and read these and leave her your support.

Adventures in Depression Part I and Adventures in Depression Part II


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