I just wanted to let you know that I’m taking a bit of an internet break. Lately, the internet and I haven’t been so much friends as two individuals staring…
The other day I told you all about my first day at the Phoenix Comicon. Since then and even before then, I’ve been trying to figure out how to tell…
This is it. The post some of you have been waiting nearly two weeks for! I’m finally writing about my trip to Phoenix. I warn you that it wasn’t all…
This post brought to you by Quaker Oats. All opinions are 100% mine. Dude, I so shouldn’t write blog posts before breakfast! Especially not ones as delicious as this one….
It was just after midnight on Wednesday morning..or was it Tuesday night? Did it really matter? What matters is the post. The post that started everything all over again. The…
Oh Chicago..the city that sent me home loads of reviews and a few new friends to boot. I will forever look upon that trip with fondness. I was beyond tired…
Well folks, I’m back from Phoenix and while I am, I’m not quite ready to write about the weekend there. It wasn’t what I was expecting and it’s led to some…
I’m going to do something I don’t think I’ve ever done here and I’m going to ask you to help out a fellow human being. In specific, I’m going to…
Some of you have asked about what it’s like to be considered a member of the press when I attend events. So, welcome to my behind the scenes look of…
Ok, all my fellow Phoenix Comicon attendees, you’re going to want to pay attention. I just got word from Andy Bohn about a very fun and exciting Twitter giveaway that he’s going…