Yesterday, was my birthday. It’s hard to believe that not only another year has gone by, but that so much can change in just that short amount of time. In the past year, I’ve lost friends and my grandma passed away.  I’ve gone through some really dark times. My world started caving in around me.

On the other side, I’ve gotten to know some really amazing people and I’m lucky enough to call some of them friends. I’ve been blessed to do some travelling to spend time with those friends. I’ve had friends who have stuck by me for years remind me that they’re still there and willing to kick me in the ass when necessary. There’s a certain bonus that comes with knowing people who won’t feed you a line no matter how down you’re feeling.

It is thanks to the amazing people in my life that I’m coming out of the dark period and into a new and far more fun period. They’ve pulled me, sometimes kicking and screaming along until I’ve remembered the good things about life. I’m a much stronger person than I was a year ago and perhaps it’s because of the bad times but it’s also because of the support that I had through those times.

The year ahead may hold some more tough times, but I’m more prepared for them. I have goals and that’s a great first start for me. I already showed you the start of the barn project. I’ve actually done a bit more out there and it’s coming along nicely. It’s just the start in a long line of goals that I want to share with all of you…this isn’t a new years resolution kind of thing, but more a list of what I know I can do and what I want to do before my birthday rolls around next year.

Outside of the house:
1. Clear out all of the flower beds – They’re all overrun and it’s time to give them a fresh start.
2. Build up the flower beds again. – The rails on them have fallen down and it just looks a mess.
3. Put in a small vegetable garden. – A couple of the flower beds would be great for that.
4. Clip the bushes into shape. – I dislike these things but unless we buy the house, they have to stay. There’s no reason they can’t look semi-decent though.
5. Clear the front porch. – It still has things on it that need to be put away.
6. Get the front porch roof repaired/replaced. – This will be a job for the owners.
7. Clear out the trash from under the front porch. – Not mine but it looks a mess.
8. Put in a new compost bin & area.
9. Complete barn re-organization
10. Clean out the van.
11. Get cable rehooked up to barn.

Inside the house:
1. Replace bathroom flooring.
2. Complete kitchen redecorating (clean, paint, flooring, cupboard organizing)
3. Complete wall redecorating (clean, new shelving, organizing)
4. Complete living room redecorating (clean, paint, new shelving, area rug?)
5. Get desks & hope chest into house.
6. Repaint boys bedroom.
7. Repaint master bedroom & get light repaired.
8. Empty out laundry room and put new flooring in.
9. Purge until we’re only surrounded by the things we need and the things we love.
10. Get dryer repaired. – Owner job.
11. Get plumbing repaired. – Owner job.

In life:
1. Continue to build up my websites, including the new baby of the family, Geek-o-Rama
2. Continue to build up my friendships.
3. Travel.
4. Spend as much time with the boys, doing things we love.
5. Learn Spanish (again) with Ben.
6. Learn Irish (again) on my own.
7. Continue to do what makes me happy even if it doesn’t make everyone else happy.

I think that’s a pretty good list for the upcoming year. Maybe from time to time, I’ll revisit this and cross things off as I get them accomplished. I’m eager to see what the next year has in store.


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