- by Katie
“The adventure begins here! This all-ages fantasy-adventure tells the story of Eloa, a Forester princess born with healing powers and how she becomes Knightingail – the leader of the seven tribes of Aeonius and controller of nature itself. In this debut issue, Eloa confronts her father about the secrets he’s been keeping about both her mother’s death years earlier and his interactions with a Dracon spy!”
When I first saw this book, my inner girl squealed. I’m not ashamed to admit that. I saw the adorable redhead on the cover and went ooooh..this is a book I want to read. Of course, that same inner girl scoffed at the high heeled boots. She’s still of the opinion that no self-respecting forest type heroine would wear boots like that. You just can’t convince her that forest societies would have a good cobbler.
The Good: This book is a lot of back story which carries you right until the end of the book and leaves you wanting to know what happens not only next but in the past with Eloa’s mom. The artwork is on the cartoony side but don’t let that fool you into thinking that it’s not fabulous. It is wonderfully executed and the easy style just pulls you further into the story.
The Bad: I had to look really hard to find a downside to this book. The only thing I could come up with is really kind of silly, but here it is. At the beginning of the book, Eloa (now in the form of Knightingail) is 31. Yet, when speaking to Kaeli, she speaks as if she’s closer to the 16 that she is in the rest of the book. Yep, that’s all I could come up with.
The Summary: This really and truly is a book for all ages. My inner girl loved the artwork and the fun. As an adult, I could relate to the frustrations that Eloa is dealing with at the age of 16. While I wasn’t a princess dealing with counsels at 16, I had similar problems within my own family. This is another book that I can’t wait to see the other 5 issues in this series.
If, like me, you want to read this whole series, you’re in luck! This title was recently picked up by Big Dog Ink! Rumor has it that they will be releasing all 6 issues in one trade paperback. We only have to wait until December. This would make a fantastic present for anyone under the Christmas tree.
Don’t want to wait until December to learn more? Check out their website or Facebook page.
My thanks go out to Jesse James of Jesse James Comics for this book. If you live in the Phoenix area, this is where you should be finding your comics. He’s a major supporter of the Indie comic industry as well as the locals involved in the industry. Even though he gave me a copy of this book for the purpose of this review, all thoughts, comments and opinions belong solely to me.